
There is much to gain in looking beyond the physical practise of yoga. Just because life today is unrecognisable from times past, it doesn't mean we can't learn from ancient yoga philosophies. Here is what we can learn from the second limb of yoga - the Niyamas.

Yoga is often thought of as simply "being flexible", and associated with only physical postures or asanas. But at its core, yoga is a holistic practice encompassing philosophy, ethics, lifestyle, breathwork, meditation, and physical movement. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (the foundational text, or works of yoga attributed to the sage Patanjali around 2000 years ago), outlines eight limbs of yoga that guide us on our journey toward health, wellness and peace of mind. Here, I discuss, the first limb, the Yamas. 

For decades, muscles and bones have been centre stage when it comes to understanding anatomy, movement and posture. However, recent research has shed light on a fascinating and previously underestimated player in the mix: fascia. This interconnected web of connective tissue throughout the body is no longer relegated to a mere anatomical afterthought. It's now recognised as a vital "living" component influencing everything from movement and flexibility to pain management and overall well-being.

In this post, we'll delve into the world of fascia, exploring its crucial role in health and ageing. We'll also explore the insights of leading fascia researchers, Tom Myers and Dr. Robert Schleip, to understand how optimising fascia health can unlock a path to a healthier, more mobile, and vibrant life.

Longer daylight hours, new life and colour emerging, and the noticeable warmth in the sun, the arrival of spring has to be the best time of year. Spring's arrival brings new foods (vegetables, herbs and fruits), and a cascade of other positive effects on human health, influencing us physically, emotionally, and mentally.

How springtime boosts health and wellbeing...

Vincent Van Gogh famously said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of tackling any ambitious project... it's the consistent accumulation of small steps that ultimately leads to great achievements.

Embarking on a big project, task, or course often begins with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Excitement to get your teeth into something new, and yet a little nervousness may creep in about whether or not you can actually do it, or complete it. The fear of failure or the uncertainty of completion may even paralyse a person, preventing him or her from ever taking that crucial first step.

Traditionally, stress has been viewed as the enemy of good health. But what if a certain kind of stress could actually be beneficial? Enter hormesis, a fascinating biological concept that suggests low doses of stress can trigger the body's self-repair mechanisms. By incorporating specific, controlled stressors into your routine, you might unlock pathways to greater cellular health and even longevity.

What happens when the pursuit of wellness goes too far? Can you really be too healthy?

I think we can all agree that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating pattern is crucial when it comes to living a long, healthy and happy life. However, the line can blur between healthy habits and an obsessive pursuit of perfection. This is where orthorexia nervosa, more simply known as orthorexia comes in.

As movement teachers we are always interested in the latest research on longevity, and the signs of ageing. We understand the importance of looking beyond the traditional signs of ageing when assessing overall health and well-being. Here's what the latest research reveals about the less well-known indicators of ageing.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some individuals seem to accomplish an astonishing amount in all areas of their lives, and stay super-fit, while others struggle to keep up and always feel overwhelmed.

The key lies not in the quantity of time we have, but in how we use it. We've all learned countless time management techniques and solutions over the years, and some work brilliantly well. Very often however, completing all our daily tasks (at work and at home), as well as find time for exercise and self-care often lies in intentional and mindful use of our time.

Here are some thoughts and strategies to help you find, or create some extra time to be both productive and fulfilled.

We know the physical benefits that can be harnessed from a regular yoga practise; improved flexibility, strength and balance to name a few. But did you know there is a growing body of evidence revealing the potential benefits of yoga for brain health. The research, and findings are encouraging, so if you're interested in cognitive health, and keen to optimise your brain fitness & mental wellbeing, here is what we found: